this week

2015 has been a mild winter but it looks as though we may be making up for it this week!  I am booked the entire week – so of course the snow would wait till now to make an appearance!  I don’t mind though – if I have something with me this week and have to reschedule just let me know as soon as you can and we will work something out!

The latest rounds of Preschool Building Stories are ending this week in the Carver and Plympton Libraries.  If you haven’t had a chance to join us yet - come this be the week!  It will be loads of fun discussing wordless picture books!  Onto this week’s schedule:

  • Monday: Steeple School at 9:15 & 10:15am
  • Monday: Teacher Training at the Ridgehill School at 6:00pm
  • Tuesday: Steeple School at 9:15/10:15am & 1:00pm
  • Wednesday: Growth Unlimited at 9:00am
  • Wednesday: Final Week of Preschool Building Stories at the Carver Library at 4:30pm – This week: Wordless Picture Books!
  • Thursday: Final Week of Preschool Building Stories at the Plympton Library at 4:00pm – This week: Wordless Picture Books!

As always, the Preschool Building Stories Workshops are open to the public and all are welcome to join whether you have come to earlier session or not! Please check the Upcoming Shows page for more information on all of these shows.

Places I will be visiting this week:

  1. Marshfield
  2. Norwell
  3. Kingston
  4. Carver
  5. Plympton