
A woman saw me in the store yesterday and she stopped me to tell me that she used to bring her daughters to my shows. Her daughters are all grown now but she told me that she still remembers my stories and one in particular because of how her and her daughters would say good night.

You see, I have a story with my dog puppets where everytime the black lab pup, Edgar, would settle down to go to sleep he would add a new rhyme to the “Good Night, Sleep Tight” saying.  He would continue the rhyme with “Don’t let the bed bugs bite!” and then “Hope your dreams are alright!” and even “See you in the morning light!”.

Apparently her daughters would mimic that bit when it was time to go to sleep well into their teenage years.  The woman warmed my heart hearing how they used a piece of my show to create a fun tradition at night.  I love hearing from young adults who used to listen to my stories as children telling me how much they’ve enjoyed the shows but this moment was particularly sweet as it made a lasting memory for a family.