Random Knowledge

Click the image above to read about why libraries are still one of the most important places we have in out communities!  I love libraries… always will, I think.  Funny enough, on our honeymoon to Hawaii my wife and I were strolling around and I noticed the public library.  We ventured inside and it was very comforting to see the place bustling.


Today, Friday, June 6th is national doughnut day – and Dunkin’ Donuts is giving away a free one when you buy a beverage!  Come doughnut lovers – UNITE!  Let’s all have some delicious sweet dough together.  What’s your favorite doughnut?  Say so on my FB page here! Like the page while you’re there!

Just Right
I know I rarely drop knowledge on this site for the masses to consume – but every once in a while I come across something so vital for every man, woman, and child to know I feel like I must share!

Click here

Click on the pic above to see how amazing the Octopus really is!

I am a fan of top ten lists – especially when they give great advice – like keeping the kids off soda… not to mention adults.  Click on the can for the link!

I might be a little late with all of this info – but it’s always good to know!  Below are the medal winners from 2012:

Newbery: Dead End in Norvelt by Jack Gantos

See other winners here

Caldecott: A Ball for Daisy by Chris Rashka

See other winners here


When I decided to build the bird sanctuary on the side of my house, I had high hopes, but real guarantees that I would see any different kinds of birds that I don’t normally see on a regular basis flying around the neighborhood.  Well, to my delight, I have seen quite a few – about 2 dozen – kinds of birds, including one of my favorites: the Baltimore Orioles.


But the other morning I awoke to a very different feathered friend outside – a wild turkey.  Wasn’t it Benjamin Franklin who thought the Turkey should be our national bird?  I know he wasn’t happy with the choice of the bald eagle.  Either way – here are a few shots of the Turkey who visited my house this week.  He (or she) poked around the bird sanctuary for a few minutes before taking off into the woods.


One can only wish to write stories that will be remembered for all time and touch so many the way that he did. He will be missed.


I like to inform people of things I have discovered on my travels.  I enjoy finding out new things.  Urban Myths are such an anomaly about our society – pieces of information that is passed person to person that is completely false.  Like my Random Knowledge #1 – that Pit bulls have a locking jaw.  Yeah, can you believe it – it’s not true!  These puppies aren’t as dangerous as people make them out to be!  I actually owned a Pit bull when I was younger, the sweetest, most docile puppy you’d ever meet.  But even after owning “Daisy” (yes, I know, a Pit bull named Daisy?  It’s almost a shame - but I didn’t name her) I still didn’t know that the whole “locking jaw” thing was just a myth!  Well, that’s the great thing about a website – I can help my small community of friends who visit by dropping a little knowledge on them!  So here you are folks!  And, yes, I adopted my puppy from the animal shelter in Carver, MA – and while Pit bulls are beautiful dogs – let’s face it – Boxers are better!