My annual trip to the Winslow House will be this morning at 10:30 – there is a $5 admission for children – but parents get in for free! The trip to the Winslow House has become one of the reasons I look forward to summer every year! Pics on my FB will come in the AM. If you’re not a fan of my Facebook page – you should totally think about changing that… immediately!
Click the image for more information!

I had a blast at the Hands on the Arts Festival today. The children were such a great group who told me their favorite Popsicles in the end.See a few more pics on my FaceBook page!

Please take note that the Winslow House performance is actually on the 21st of June – not on the 14th as originally posted! Sorry if this caused confusion – but see you next Friday at the Winslow House!
By the way, calls are still coming in for summer dates – so if you’d like to book something please make sure you call today!
(508) 641.5336

Steve Jenkins has been a favorite of mine for a LONG time – one of the best books I have offered up as a BOTM was a classic of his called Looking Down. Mix this with my love for watching birds and you have a winning combination and a winner of a children’s book! One of the best things about taking interests in birds is hearing their different calls and telling them apart!