February 2016
Monthly Archive
Mon 22 Feb 2016
Posted by Big Ryan under
This week...Comments Off on This Week in Big Ryan – 4th Week in February ’16

Wow! What a week! February vacation was packed with fantastic shows in towns all over the map! Concord Library, a first for me, had a large crowd and Nahant Library, an annual visit, had the biggest crowd I ever had there! Hingham Library and Acushnet Library both had large groups – all of which made me very happy to see people coming out to hear some tales!
Raising a Reader has been going swimmingly at the Holmes Library – but we do have space if anyone wants to join. Also, we are starting up in Plympton at 1:30 – so if you’d like to join in come and try it out! It’s loads of fun!
If you would like to schedule a time for me to visit your school or library please give me a call at (508) 641-5336.
Here is the storytelling schedule for this week:
- Wednesday: Little People’s College @ 10:00am
- Thursday: Sherborn Library @ 3:30pm
- Friday: Holmes Library @ 1:00pm *Raising a Reader
- Saturday: Plympton Library @ 1:00pm *Raising a Reader
Please check the Upcoming Shows page for more information on all of these shows. All of the Raising a Reader programs are being funded by the South Shore Community Action Council and are an off-shoot of my Building Stories from the years prior. They are a lot of fun and will give plenty for the little ones to do! Come on by and have a blast and learn a few techniques for telling tales at home!
Places I will be visiting this week:
- New Bedford
- Sherborn
- Halifax
- Plympton
Sun 14 Feb 2016
Posted by Big Ryan under
This week...Comments Off on This Week in Big Ryan – 3rd Week in February ’16

Here is the full list of the places I will be on February School vacation week. Not like we needed more days on in Feb – but keep an eye out if I am in your area and come and see me! I will provide some belly laughs for you this vacation!
If you would like to schedule a time for me to visit your school or library please give me a call at (508) 641-5336.
Here is the storytelling schedule for this week:
- Tuesday: Hingham Public Library @ 10:30am
- Tuesday: Acushnet Public Library @ 2:00pm
- Wednesday: Concord Public Library @ 10:30am
- Wednesday: Kingston Collection @ 2:00pm
- Thursday: Nahant Public Library @ 10:30am
- Thursday: East Branch Public Library @ 6:30pm
- Friday: Preschool Playmates @ 10:00am
- Friday: Holmes Library @ 1:00pm *Raising a Reader
- Friday: Kindercare @ 3:30pm
- Saturday: Mansfield Library @ 10:30am
- Saturday: Plympton Library @ 1:30pm *Raising a Reader
Please check the Upcoming Shows page for more information on all of these shows. All of the Raising a Reader programs are being funded by the South Shore Community Action Council and are an off-shoot of my Building Stories from the years prior. They are a lot of fun and will give plenty for the little ones to do! Come on by and have a blast and learn a few techniques for telling tales at home!
Places I will be visiting this week:
- Hingham
- Acushnet
- Concord
- Kingston
- Nahant
- Boston
- West Bridgewater
- Halifax
- Mansfield
- Plympton
Wed 10 Feb 2016
Posted by Big Ryan under
The Kid InsideComments Off on A Comic that was Inspired by “The Bunny Bird”

If you’ve ever had a chance to hear The Bunny Bird then you’ll already know where the idea from this cartoon came from. It’s even funny without the knowing the story – but that knowledge maybe makes it better? I’m not sure – but it sounds good!
Mon 8 Feb 2016
Posted by Big Ryan under
Message from Big RyanComments Off on SNOW DAY!

Obviously we will reschedule the Raising a Reader scheduled for today at the Paul Pratt Library. Hopefully for later this week. I will keep you posted!
Also – a quick idea on how to get rid of all this snow:

Sun 7 Feb 2016
Posted by Big Ryan under
This week...Comments Off on This Week in Big Ryan – 2nd Week in February ’16

It certainly seems like we’re making up for lost time in the snow department! Of course, I can’t complain too much as my daughter and I were able to spend Friday snuggled together watching Ghostbusters and Back to the Future parts 1 & 2! As nice as that was, though, it felt even better to get back with my Building Stories group at the Plymouth Library! This coming week we are having our final Building Stories and PAC TV will be there to cover the event!
We rescheduled the Raising a Reader at the Holmes Library this past Friday due to the snow. We will be reconvening this Friday at 1:00. Again, sorry for the inconvenience but this is New England so we’re used to this sort of thing!
If you would like to schedule a time for me to visit your school or library please give me a call at (508) 641-5336.
Here is the storytelling schedule for this week:
- Monday: Paul Pratt Library @ 1:00pm *Raising a Reader
- Tuesday: Brown Bear Preschool @ 10:00/10:45am
- Tuesday: Mary K Goode School Title 1 Night @ 6:00pm
- Wednesday: Paul Pratt Library @ 1:00pm *Raising a Reader – FINAL DAY
- Friday: Academy Preschool @ 11:00am
- Friday: Holmes Library @ 1:00pm *Raising a Reader
- Saturday: Plymouth Library @ 1:00pm *Building Stories Workshop – Final Week!
Please check the Upcoming Shows page for more information on all of these shows. All of the Raising a Reader programs are being funded by the South Shore Community Action Council and are an off-shoot of my Building Stories from the years prior. They are a lot of fun and will give plenty for the little ones to do! Come on by and have a blast and learn a few techniques for telling tales at home!
Places I will be visiting this week:
- Cohasset
- Middleborough
- Stoughton
- Halifax
- Plymouth