December 2008
Monthly Archive
Wed 31 Dec 2008
Posted by Big Ryan under
After the ShowNo Comments
Last shows of the year! Both were packed to the rafters with excited children ready to laugh their way through Big Ryan shows! First, I visited Fairhaven at the Millicent Library. I love visiting this library – it’s absolutely beautiful and the crowds that come to the shows are wonderful!  They heard “In the Tub” and Wolf and Moose telling “Can’t Sleep”.

The next show was a hour and a half away in Groton. Do I mind driving that far? Not when I get the kind of crowd that Groton had waiting for me. An exuberant crowd that got to hear “George and the Ants” and Wolf and Moose came out to tell “Can’t Believe Everything You Read…” Alligator came out to see both crowds and everyone listened and laughed along so amazingly. This was certainly the way to end the year – see everyone in 2009! Be sure to check the Upcoming Shows Page to see when I’m in your area!

Fri 26 Dec 2008
Make sure you check out the Big Ryan shows – the last of the ’08 year! That’s right! If you are near the Fairhaven area check out the 10:00am show a the Millicent Library on the 30th!
And later that day – I will heading to Groton for another fun filled show at 2:00pm! Hope to see a lot of you there!
Thu 25 Dec 2008

Here’s to hoping everyone gets to spend this wonderful time of year with their entire family!
Wed 24 Dec 2008
I had a very fun and also a very interesting day today. I was in Sharon, then Lexington and ended in Weymouth. At the end of the shows I had a chance to let the children ask a few questions. One child asked when my birthday was. That was funny. I asked back “Why? Are you going to get me a present?”
Another child asked me how many stories I have, another asked who my favorite character was – and then another asked “What happened to all your hair?” I usually can answer rather quickly no matter how off topic the question may be – I mean, we are dealing with children here. Very rarely do they stay on topic. Here I just looked around and said back “Oh no! Did it escape again? If anyone sees my hair let me know!”
Sun 14 Dec 2008
Posted by Big Ryan under
Top 10No Comments
I love the winter. I love the things that only the winter can make special. My top ten things are:
- 10) Mall Santas – Sure, they’re not the real thing, but that red suit makes anyone look jolly 🙂
- 9) The Sound of Snow – That’s right, the sound! The crunch under your boot makes me smile.
- 8 ) Christmas Episodes – Not the specials per say – but the holiday episodes in the shows that I watch – just love ’em!
- 7) Movies – Again, not the holiday movies but the wonderful movies that will be nominated for Oscars come out in this season
- 6) Snow Days – I don’t get to work on that day – but it’s still like getting a day off like when I was back in school and school was cancelled! 8)
- 5) Hot Chocolate – For some reason it tastes different at this time of the year, somehow better 😀
- 4) Fires in a Fire Place – Nothing can replace a campfire smell – but this is a distant second…
- 3) Stores Open Later – I love when the majority of stores out there are opened nice and late. What can I say? I’m an night owl
- 2) Winter Hats – I might be a little biased – but my bald little head loves them 😛
- 1) Christmas Trees – Yes, I am one of those people who picks mine up the day after Thanksgiving and it’s gone December 26th. The smell can’t be beat. Boo to those fake trees. They should be outlawed!
Wed 10 Dec 2008
Posted by Big Ryan under
Big Ryan ArtNo Comments

I love getting pictures of me from kids who drew them – especially when they did it in the middle of the show! This past Saturday I was telling stories in Onsett and, as I did, one of the boys watching began sketching in his little notebook. At the end of the show he presented me with this drawing of me with the Alligator puppet. So, thank you Anthony, for this awesome picture.
Tue 9 Dec 2008
I love the winter – for this reason alone! Look at how beautiful our area is!

Hope your enjoying this weather as much as I!
Mon 8 Dec 2008

This is one of the first books I even picked up. It’s true! I was trying to get something to read to my niece who was just 2-years old at the time. Each page shows just a one or two word itme – like Hot Chocolate – or something else in the season! I remeber my niece really enjoying the pictures more than anything – it’s definitley worth the pick up – check it out at you local library today! If you like it then check out the rest of this series which includes Mouse’s First Halloween, Valentine, First Day of School and First Snow!Â