March 2007
Monthly Archive
Mon 19 Mar 2007
Posted by Big Ryan under
After the ShowNo Comments
It’s that time of year again! Every March I get to visit the children from Kindergarten to 4th Grade in Bridgewater.  Today Mrs. Holmes took some wonderful pictures that I thought I’d share with you. The children of Bridgewater always welcome me with such enthusiasm and it’s a pleasure to see them every year!
Check out these pics!
Sun 18 Mar 2007
Posted by Big Ryan under
After the ShowNo Comments
This past Saturday I spent my morning entertaining the wonderful children of Taunton. A group of about 50 children were there and ready to laugh their way through my show. They were treated to “In the Tub”, they danced their way through “Hi, My Name is Joe” and a couple quick appearences by Max, Edgar, and Charlie (the dog puppets) rounded out the rest of the show. The Taunton Enterprise was there and did a quick story that you can read here
Alot of the pictures came out blurry – but check these pics out:
Sat 10 Mar 2007
Posted by Big Ryan under
InfoNo Comments
The Plymouth Library just booked Friday, July 27th at 10:30am for me to come and tell my stories. This is one of the best and most well-attended shows of the summer so I like to let everyone know in advance! Write it on your calendars! And look on the Upcoming Shows page for any other libraries in your area hosting a Big Ryan’s Tall Tales event!Â
Below are some Plymouth Library shows from the past years.
Wed 7 Mar 2007
Posted by Big Ryan under
After the ShowNo Comments
I’m sorry it took me so long to get these pictures up – I have not been feeling well the past few days – but these are pictures from Sat, 3/3/07. The Plymouth Early Childhood Fair was my first stop of the day where I saw so many of my fans come to enjoy alot of fun stories and dancing.  The crowds for the 2 shows were both wonderful and energetic!  My next stop was at the Marshfield Yacht Club where the kids had a blast doing much of the same!  Pictures speak louder than words so just click on the links below to see more images and see for yourself just how much fun it was!
Thu 1 Mar 2007
Posted by Big Ryan under
HeroesNo Comments

When I was in the fifth grade Bill Harley came to our school to tell us some stories. I didn’t know it then but I met the man that would help change my future. It wasn’t so much the show that he put on for the school – that was great – but it was afterwards that sticks in my mind more. After the show he came to Mrs. Wieler’s classroom because we had done a version of his song Fifty Ways to Fool Your Mother. I can’t remember the version we sang (sorry - but it was over 20 years ago) but I can remember being so excited that he came to our class to hear a song that we made up. Years later, when I became a storyteller myself I decided to be the kind of storyteller that Bill Harley is. The kind of storyteller that doesn’t try to distract you with funny clothes or sight gags – but instead impresses you with the stories that he tells.  Letting the stories be what matters.Â
Check out Bill Harley’s stuff if you get a chance – it is amazing! My personal favorites are Monsters in the Bathroom and There’s a Pea on my Plate.
Below are pictures of the autographs that I’ve gotten over the years.
The Cover of Sarah’s Story
The Auotgraph inside Sarah’s Story
Friends Academy Poster