Pic of the Week

A few weeks ago I mentioned seeing a Pileated Woodpecker at the Science Center in Norwell.  I said I would post a pic – so here it is:


Also, if you click on the image it will bring you to the SSSC blog where they mention that the woodpecker has been spotted for a few years now – and that this was the third spotting this year!  Pretty exciting stuff for a birder like myself!

mike mills

I know the week just begun but I doubt anything else will top this – I just met Mike Mills at a rest stop in Conn!  Mike Mills was part of the amazingly talented band R.E.M. (they retired in 2012) a band that I have always been a huge fan of.  In fact, this past week I was at Zapp Comics in NJ and saw the R.E.M. figures that the Simpsons just released.  Out of all the coincidences in the world – Mike Mills came to the exact rest stop my family decided to eat lunch at!  I was amazed and humbled to meet a man whose songs I’ve idolized for SO many years!  He ever signed my Mike Mills figure as seen below:

mike mills 2

What a way to start the week!

poppin pebbles

Earlier I mentioned I can make cereal – well, I found this earlier this week and thought I has stumbled into heaven.  It’s like pop rocks… for BREAKFAST!  Best. Thing. Ever.


This was taken last week after my show in Quincy – and it made me chuckle.  This winter has certainly been quite a doozy – but let’s all remember, Spring is right around the corner!


A shot from this past summer when I had a corn on the cob that was having an inner struggle to be orderly or just let it’s freak flag fly!


I had a great trip to Jenny Grist Mill on Monday morning with my daughter as we went birding.  We saw many different kinds of birds including a few rare sightings of the Eastern Bluebird, and an even rarer sighting of a Wood Duck still hanging arond after the warm weather has disappeared!







Best part of this job is being able to see all the fantastic sights that New England has to offer.  The above image is from Provincetown and this is how they decorate the Pilgrim Monument.  It’s an amazing sight and you can see it from all over the town.  Amazingly, I was entertaining right next to the sight so I was able to get up close and personal.

eating trex

I also saw this at a Toys R Us while shpping for the kiddos.  Somebody there has a sense of humor… or they were having a educational tutorial about the Dinosaur’s diet… if they existed today.  The last pic, below, is from Plymouth.  My daughter and I were walking downtown one night and came across this lopster trap Christmas Tree on the Plymouth wharf.

lobster man


Ugh… today was not a great day.  It was one of those days when things seem to just go from not so great to not so greater… if that’s such a thing.  But tomorrow will come.  It will be better.  When days like this arrive I can only suggest taking a look at the little things in life.  Finding humor in the everyday – like this trashbag that refuses to be put down.  You go trashbag!  Be what YOU want to be!


Trying to go through and clean up the pics from the summer I founf this great shot of my daughter and son waiting for me to start my show at the Plymouth Public Library.  Antone is crawling now – but my daughter still grabs him and hold him just like this.  Shw loves her little brother so much.  He, well he takes the love in strides.  He’ll appreciate it later, I’m sure.

ear 1

I was getting a coffee downtown Plymouthe and visiting the art museum there.  As I was walking toward the museum there were leaves blowing everywhere and I saw what looked like a leaf – but it wasn’t at all… as you can see below – it was a fake ear!  Halloween leftovers as someone on FB stated!

ear 2

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