The Kid Inside

Climb every tree! Swim every lake! BBQ every burger! Hope your summer has been fantastic!

I hope everyone is having a great summer! Watch out for those hungry critters who have been starving since the last thaw!

Amy is truly brave when it comes to criticizing her mother’s cooking.

Rock, Paper, Scissors is the only civilized way to resolve any disagreement.

I am both all about sharing and learning on your own! I also remember disliking homework intensely so I don’t know where I land with this issue.

A special Valentine’s Day cartoon! Hope everyone has a great day and your loves let you know how special you are!

I know some people think some costumes are considered cultural appropriation. There are time I agree and times I don’t. especially when we consider Halloween is about dressing up and becoming something different than who you are! Just for the day anyways…

One year ago I lost the best friend I have ever had in this life. He fought with everything he had but ultimately lost the battle with cancer. I’m not sure I will ever get over the loss of this person. I once told him that we were like two sides of the same coin. We are the same we just look a little different. Below is a picture of my best friend Bill Cathcart, who passed September 4th at 3:20pm. I don’t really know what to say other than I hope that everyone reading this has had a chance to have a person like Bill in their lives. A person who you can call up and discuss anything at any time. A person who knows all your secrets and roots for you all the way. Someone who is always in your corner but will also tell you when you have gone too far. I miss my friend so much. He was a great, great man.

I feel really lucky that my kids enjoy having outside time. My son in particular loves running around the yard, climbing trees and even saying hello to everyone walking their dogs in our neighborhood. While Antone has no fear Amy obviously isn’t a huge fan of heights!

I love this one because it reminds me of the background of Super Mario Brothers on Nintendo. Those clouds are so perfect!

Is your child a fan of Big Ryan? Want your child’s art to be highlighted? Have them draw a picture of their favorite Big Ryan story or their favorite thing Big Ryan does and email it to and put Big Ryan Art as the subject.

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