The Kid Inside

It must be so strange to children to experience a new baby coming into the household. I wonder how they process it in their innocent minds when they see the baby move inside the mother’s “belly”. I know we tried to answer all of Alexandra’s questions as honestly but as delicately as possible. It’s not always easy…



It’s always enjoyable to start your day with a laugh. Oh, how every occupation has it’s woes.


We can all use a chuckle so here is a cartoon with my character Amy vs the gym teacher. I was never this kind of kid – but I knew this kid!


This is my daughter to a tee…


I can only say this: I never blamed my mistakes on my own pet.  Of course, we also didn’t have a cat growing up so… can’t say for sure I wouldn’t have TRIED to blame them.


Spring is coming… after this latest snowfal heading our way that is…


This is hands down my sister’s favorite cartoon.  I created it so of course I think it’s funny – but she thinks this is REALLY funny!


While the snow is slowly disappearing there is still plenty of time to get out there to have a blast!  This is one of my Wife’s favorite cartoons of mine.


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