The Kid Inside


Yes, this is the kind of kid I was.


I have been out shoveling snow so much I haven’t had a chance to post a new cartoon – I hope you enjoy this one created when my wife was pregnant with my son!


I think I did a double posting of a cartoon – well, I will make up for it another time.  Here is a cartoon that teachers may be able to relate to.


One of the things that I’ve been told is that my monster under the bed cartoons are the best.  While I don’t disagree I do like others better.  Of course with punchlines like this – how do you argue?


There are times I draw up a cartoon and it takes me back to my childhood.  I hated Rice Crispies and thought all of the cartoons where they said that the cereal “talked” to you made the thought of eating it repulsive.  That’s where the inspiration for this cartoon came from.


This is actually the very first cartoon idea for The Kid Inside.  It still makes me laugh to this day!


I always get help with my cartoons either from my wife, my sister – or, in this case, a friend who informed me that the cartoon would be way funnier if we saw the damage of what Amy (the little girl in my cartoon is aptly named) has caused.  I agreed and scrapped the original version and re-drew it.  It was sage like advice as I like this, the new version, way better than the other.


Every comic strip I created about the Gym Teacher is based on a real person.  The Gym Teacher I had in high school.  He was fantasticly sarcastic and extremely honest with everyone.  I miss a lot of teachers – but maybe him in a different way.  He made an impression that lasted!  That’s for sure!


A winter time funny for you!


Another cartoon from my Kid Inside series.  Sometimes I look back and they still make me laugh.  I think that’s a good thing, right?

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