Book of the Month

Title: Dinosaur vs The Potty
Author: Bob Shea
Publisher: Hyperion Books

While participating at the Scituate Storyfest in September I heard one of the High School student volunteers read this to the group of kids – and he was fantastic!  He was hilarious!  This book is hilarious!  He read it like an announcer at a wrestling match and it was just perfect!  Try it out yourself!

Title: Will it be a Baby Brother?
Author: Eve Bunting
Publisher: Boyds Mills Press

No – this is not my way of saying that Alexandra is expecting another sibling – it’s just my way of showing off another great Eve Bunting book.  Eve Bunting makes such sweet stories that you can share with your children and enjoy them yourselves at the same time!  I came across this sweet book at the Plymouth Library.

Title: I’m Not Sleepy
Author: Jonathan Allen
Publisher: Hyperion Books

I am more than excited to find really cute books that also have more of a simplistic drawing style.  I like how the illustrator used fingerprints for the character’s bodies.  Sometimes, when I had a classroom, I would allow the children to take a piece of paper and some crayons into circle as I read a story.  They could choose thier favorite picture and try to draw it – I would choose books that have beautiful but more simplistic art like Eric Carle, Leo Lionni – and that’s exactly what came to mind as I skimmed through this book.  It’s the perfect book to do that activity to.

Title: The Neat Line
Author: Pamela Duncan Edwards
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books

I remember seeing this unique book in one of the libraries I visited this fall.  One thing that I love is when librarians make a practice of is highlighting certain books by displaying them on the top of the library’s book shelves.  I have found so many great books this way!  Some change the books seasonally, some monthly – and I have come across some that do it weekly!  It’s a simple practice that really does make a real impact.  This is how I came across this book – one that follows a line through some of the more classic tales from history.  I love how the author works the line into the each tale – and it’s a joy to read!  Check it out today!

Title: Snow Comes to the Farm
Author: Nathaniel Tripp
Publisher: Candlewick Press

I love books that set a tone, give off a mood – and this is certainly one of those books. It reminded me of a former Book of the Month called Owl Moon – but this tells a set of brothers who go out in the woods waiting for the big snow to come. Reading it, I was waiting for the worse to come – waiting for something bad to happen. Happily, it did not – instead what you get is a sweet story that makes you wish for snowy days!

Title: Paper Parade
Author: Sarah Weeks
Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Readers

This beautifully book is a whole lot of fun showcasing some amazing art made by paper.  It also contains a sweet story about a sister and a very young brother – as we all know, little sisters and brothers can be destructive – they don’t mean to be, but it’s just how it is.  It’s also heartbreaking to the older sibling when their stuff does get ruined!  But this warm and fuzzy book shows an older sister playing and even forgiving her little brother for ripping up her paper parade.  Just a quick end note: Sarah Weeks website is a pleasure to visit – make sure to click her name at the top to see it!

Title: The Widow’s Broom
Author: Chirs Van Allsburg
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Books for Children

I have expressed just how much I love the books by Chris Van Allsburg. This is the book that introduced me to his amazing world. His black and white (or more grey) images really add a level of eeriness of this Beauty and the Beast inspired story.  I say Beauty and the Beast inspired – mainly because of the ending – but there is more to it than that -just like all of Van Allsburg’s books you are reading a story on a different level then anyone else.  When you read one of his stories your reaction may be different then the person sitting next to you reading over your shoulder.

Title: Two Old Potatoes and Me
Author: John Coy
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers

This is one of the books I discovered while in Hyannis doing a show.  This book follows a little girl who finds some old potatoes in a cabinet.  The potatoes have started to sprout and look weird – but unlike what I usually do (which is say “gross” and then throw them away) the girl and her father plant the potatoes.  Then, they watch as the potatoes grow and provide new food!  It’s a wonderful story to share! 

Title: I’m still here in the bathtub
Author: Alan Katz
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books

I was given this book one year from a school I frequented monthly.  I enjoy seeing the same group of children month after month.  These are the kids who I usually get to have the most fun with.  I try out new things and practice rarely done songs and such for the kids I see on a regular basis.  The school that gave me this is no longer around – which is always sad to me – but at least I have this great book as a memento.  My favorite “silly dilly” song?  He’s got the Whole Beach in his Pants.  I find it hilarious!

Title: Bein’ with You This Way
Author: W. Nikola-Lisa
Publisher: Lee & Low Books, Inc.

This is one of the books that I loved bringing out in my classroom. It has a great rhythm and a fantastic message. I liked having my kids sing along with me as we talked about the differences and the similarities of people.  “Curly Hair, Straight Hair, different Mmm-Hmm – but the same Uh-Huh! How perfectly remarkably strange!”  I’m doing that from memory – so it may not be word for word – but it’s the idea…  I cannot recommend this book enough!

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